Monday 17 June 2013

Lecture 2(Week2)

     As usual the class started at Friday 8 am ,but i was a little bit late to the class. Firstly, our madam gave us a task that we have to draw a circle which are divided into several portions. We then fill in our daily activities into those portions. We found out that everyone of us have different kind of activities in our daily routine. Some of us spent more time on outing with friends, some of us spent more time on gaming and there were big portion of us spent most of our time on campus.
    Furthermore, our madam brief us about the 7 major phases of knowledge management life cycle in our life. There were creation, capture, codification, sharing, accessing, application and reuse.
    Besides that, madam also introduced the different modes of KM life cycle to us. There are total 4 modes of KM life cycle which are Zack & Meyer, Bukowitz & Williams,Wiig and McElroy. These life cycles consists of different phases respectively. Below are the comparison among those phases in that 4 modes of life cycle.

In addition, we had also learnt about the integrated KM life cycle. The integrated KM life cycle has 5 main phases which are Knowledge capture, Knowledge creation, Contextualize, Share, disseminate and assess,  Acquisition and application and Update. We were encouraged to refer this mode of life cycle as a guide for our knowledge management in future as this life cycle is more intact. By getting knowledge about all these kinds of life cycle, we were now more confidence on managing our knowledge in coming time as we can practice different mode of life cycle when dealing with different situation or environment.
At the end of the class, our madam also reminded us to bring a T -shirt to our tutorial class next week as some interesting activity will be conducted in the class. We are indeed looking forward for the tutorial class.

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