Monday 17 June 2013

Tutorial 1( Week2)

Before madam start teaching tutorial, she asked us to view the blog that we supposed to do according to what she told in lecture 1. Unfortunately we just registered this subject in week 2 and this was our first class for this subject. So we didn't prepare the blog. Through those blogs that were being showed by our friend in the class, we found that this subject are quite interesting. We could share what we have learnt in the class and we could compare our blog with others to find out what we missed in the class.

From this tutorial, we have learned how to differentiate data, information and knowledge by doing exercises in tutorial 1. Besides that, we have learnt more about the difference between tacit and implicit knowledge.

Before the class dismissed, madam announced that there will be a field trip to visit the Bank Negara Malaysia on 26 June 2013 ( Wednesday).  

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