Tuesday 6 August 2013

Tutorial 2 (Week 3)

Lecturer discuss tutorial exercise as usual. After that, she ask us to take out the t-shirt which she asked us to bring to class and we started the interesting exercise. Lecturer giving us different type of instruction to fold a shirt within 2 sec.

 Firstly, she only giving us instruction through verbal. Mostly every people can actually get what lecturer say and failed to do it. Secondly, lecturer giving us the procedure in the screen through word. But mostly people also cant do it correctly. Finally, lecturer show us the step through video by showing us video in YouTube. At this time, most of the people can easily understand compare to the previous type of instruction. 

Before the class dismissed, lecturer choose some volunteer to having a small contest to competitive speed and tidiness of folding the T-shirt. But after all, no people can do it perfectly in 2 sec and in a tidy form. 

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